फोनको गफमा अमाले तीन बर्षको बच्चालाई बाहिरको १०० डिग्रीको तातोमा गाडि भित्र बन्द गरेर छाडिन।हेर्नुहोस भिडियोसहित

फोनको गफमा अमाले तीन बर्षको बच्चालाई बाहिरको १०० डिग्रीको तातोमा गाडि भित्र बन्द गरेर छाडिन।

This is a Reenactment and no one was harmed in the making of this film.

One Decision is a film that we are very passionate about. We made this film in hopes to prevent child injuries or death. Every 10 days a child dies from vehicular heatstroke. Join us in this cause by sharing this film with everyone you know.

Director: Isaac Barker
Writers: Scott Stowers, Michael Corbett, Isaac Barker DP: Isaac Barker
Editors: Isaac Barker, Michael Corbett, Scott Stowers
Camera Operator: Jorden Nash/Hopscotch F/X
Music: Pond5.com (Above Everything- Capo Productions) Shockwave-sound.com (Unless- Dan Morrissey)

बाकि भिडियो हेर्न तल बक्समा डबल क्लिक गर्नुहोस.



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