सिरियालीहरु अल्लाहलाई भन्दा अगाडी राष्ट्रपती बसार अल-असादको पुजा गर्छन रे?( हेर्नुस भिडियोमा )
सिरियालीहरु अल्लाहलाई भन्दा अगाडी राष्ट्रपती बसार अल-असादको पुजा गर्छन रे ?
"All Praise is for Allah, Lord of all worlds. These people named "Al-Nusayriyyah", and other groups from among the Qaraamitah and Baatiniyyah, are greater disbelievers than the Jews and Christians. Nay, they are greater disbelievers than most of the mushrikeen (polytheists from other than Ahl ul-Kitab), and their harm to the Ummah of Muhammad, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, is greater than the harm of the disbelievers who are in war with Muslims, such as at-Tatar, disbelieving Europeans and others." Source: YouTube.
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